Dieudonné, Faurisson, Le Pen

Here is Tiberge’s December 29th article at Galliawatch (also posted at Brussels Journal) about the French anti-Semitic comedian Dieudonné inviting Holocaust denier Robert Faurisson up to the stage, while Jean-Marie Le Pen sat in the audience. Her article triggered a virulent attack on her that I’ve copied here. Among other anti-Semitic articles, the attack on Tiberge was sent out to thousands of e-mail addresses in an e-mail that looked as though it came from me. These spam e-mails were then rejected by their recipients and bounced back to my main AT&T mailbox, which, as of now (yesterday I gave up deleting them, and the lower-than-incompetent Indian staff of AT&T’s customer support has done nothing to filter them) has 8,200 e-mails. Counting the spam e-mails that have been deleted, my mailbox has received a total of 14,700.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 02, 2009 03:11 PM | Send

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