World news flash—Victor Hanson makes a cogent point

Why, Hanson asked a few days ago, is the left alarmed about the economic downturn and demanding all kinds of economic stimuli?

Surely, the world right now is sort of what the radical Gorists wanted to see, since the current cutback in gasoline usage, and general economic slowdown, are radically restricting the burning of fossil fuels in a manner that even the most optimistic green utopian could hardly have envisioned just few years ago? In other words, in the booming 2004-6 years, radical suggested scale-backs would have probably led to something akin to what we are experiencing now. So why the gloom instead of headlines blaring—“The Planet Continues to Green—as Archaic Consumption Practices Erode Further!”

A good point by Hanson, cogently expressed. There’s a first time for everything.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 07, 2009 09:39 AM | Send

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