Obama’s reading

Two points about this photo of the president-elect:

1. Look at his tall, skinny physique: he looks like a Zulu, not an American. (And let’s remember Patrick Buchanan’s remark about the relative difficulty of assimilating Zulus. [Joke.])

2. The book he’s reading is Fareed Zakaria’s The Post-American World.” Whoops. Maybe it wasn’t a joke.

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A reader writes:

Looks American enough, but he is half African after all. His father wasn’t shaped like that, though. At least I don’t think so. He looked more squat.

As for his reading the Zakaria book, O.’s still an unknown, how will he govern, what are his deep thoughts about America.

Greco writes:

Physique-wise, I’d say Obama looks more Maasai than Zulu.

Richard S. writes:

No love. Absolutely no love coming from this alien creature. I, a white American, am living in occupied territory for the duration of his rule. The most moving and terrible comment I have ever read was on a thread at American Renaissance. The commenter was commenting on what’s become of our country, thanks to the mass invasion of blacks, browns and yellows, deliberately engineered by our elites. “I’ve lost that loving feeling.” That’s all. The most terrible thing imaginable that can happen to a people. For once the loving feeling is gone, what’s left?

LA replies:

I wouldn’t go that far. We don’t know (yet) that it’s that bad. I posted that photo of Obama because I was struck by how, well, African, he looked in it, as though he were the young dynamic leader of some “emerging” Third-World nation rather than the president-elect of the U.S. But that’s not the way he generally comes across. He’s not an alien. He’s an American. He has an American persona. And, while his real character, beliefs, and plans remain a mystery, he is neither the sleaze that Clinton was, nor the mentally limited, insecure Napoleon that Bush was. He seems, well, normal. This doesn’t mean that he’s not planning very bad things from our point of view. But I don’t think that, in and of itself, having a president with a “nice tan” for four years means the death of the Republic or of the white West. It depends on what he actually does, on whether he seeks to radicalize America’s racial identity and so forth. That may not be his thing. He does have an evident desire to make people comfortable, not to frighten and anger them.

Remember that America is a thoroughly liberal country when it comes to the issues we care most about, so that anyone who is president in this day and age is going to seem like an alien to us. Even President Reagan, the only president worthy of the title in my adult life, said some things about immigration (the more damaging of which I only found out about in the week following his death) that put him on the side of the racial transformation of America. So all U.S. politicians today are universalists and thus at least passive enemies of the white West. (Even Samuel Huntington has said that it doesn’t matter if whites become a minority in America.) I haven’t seen any evidence in anything Obama has said that makes him different in kind from that general pattern.

Whoever is president, we are under an alien rule, and must resist it and never surrender to it.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 17, 2008 01:53 PM | Send

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