Resisting mainstreaming of Muslims in Canada

Kidist Paulos Asrat’s article, “How Canada’s Little Mosque on the Prairie is aiming for our souls,” has been published at American Thinker and elsewhere.

In a note to me about the article she writes:

I’m trying to show that there is a cultural take-over being carried out by Muslims, aided by institutions like the CBC. I add a historical context to it saying that earlier Muslim immigrants, who were here in much smaller numbers, had no choice but to assimilate, while the large numbers of Muslims now are trying to assimilate us into their culture. I neglected to add a more succinct (and forceful) “solution” to the problem.

Mark Steyn wrote on the same topic a year and a half ago, but his article is full of jokes, quips and riffs. It is essentially a review of the show, rather than a discussion of its cultural/jihadist implications. He makes fun of everyone, including Imams, the CBC and of course the show itself. I think he underestimated it. Which I never did.

LA replies:

Which VFR commenter said recently that modern “conservative” journalism is a sarcasm machine aimed at the left?

Remember how Steyn got his start in journalism: writing about theater and making endless homosexual references. He is fundamentally frivolous—and that goes for all his writings on Islam, which the idiot “conservatives” think are so great. The only thing that has made him at all serious was getting sued before the Canadian Human Rights commissions for “hate-speech” against Muslims, and I think the effect on him will prove to have been temporary.

Story: My brother once owned a billy goat at his place in Colorado in the ’70s. The goat’s name was Billy. He was a tough customer, of mythic, “macho” personality, if you can describe an animal as macho. This primordial creature made me understand the truth of Blake’s verse, “The lust of the goat is the glory of God.” He was dangerous, and we had to keep him tied up. Once, when I was there alone, Billy got loose, and charged me when I approached him. I fell backward onto the ground and he got over me and was trying to butt me, but I scrambled away. I had to get control of him somehow. The only thing that worked was taking a small aspen log, small enough to hold in one hand, and bashing him over the front of the head with it. That stunned him and quieted him down enough so that I could tie him up again.

Steyn’s innate frivolity is like that billy goat’s innate aggressiveness; the only thing that can snap him out of it is being bashed on the head with a log. That was the effect on him of the Human Rights suit. But the moment you stop bashing Steyn on the head, he turns into a comedian again. Muslims are gaining power in Canada, and he treated it like a joke in the past, and, I expect, he will continue treating it as a joke in the future.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 16, 2008 12:07 AM | Send

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