Adios, fellow children of God! Vaya con Dios, fellow practitioners of family values!

Mexicans are leaving Colorado for Mexico, and vowing never to come back.

- end of initial entry -

Ben W. writes:

Now they decide to leave, after voting!

Terry Morris writes:

“Mexicans are leaving Colorado for Mexico, and vowing never to come back.”

Yeah; what is preventing their “natural born citizen” children from returning in twenty years, after having been raised and educated by foreigners in a foreign country, asserting their rights and privileges as U.S. natural born citizens? At least they’ll be able to produce a genuine birth certificate as proof of their natural born U.S. citizenship. And I imagine, unlike Obama, they won’t hesitate to produce it. Why should they?

LA replies:

Yes, the law is pretty remarkable. By some accounts (though there is a lot of disagreement on this), only being born on U.S. territory makes you natural born citizen. So that, if a U.S. couple travel abroad for two months and their baby is born overseas and they then immediately return to the U.S. and the child grows up and spends the rest of his life in the U.S., he is not a natural born citizen and is disqualified from the presidency. But if a Mexican woman illegally enters the U.S. for two months and has a baby here, then immediately returns to Mexico with her baby and the baby grows up and spends the rest of his life in Mexico, he is a natural born U.S. citizen and is qualified to be president.

I realize that what I just said contradicts the U.S. law on natural born citizenship as we discussed it recently. But there was someone, I forget who, who said that, according to some views, to be a natural born citizen you have to be born in the U.S., period.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 15, 2008 04:32 PM | Send

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