Spreading the message

How about a public information campaign based around this slogan:

If there were no Muslims in America, there would be no risk of Muslim terrorism in America

Maybe someone could follow the path blazed by Craig Nelsen of Project USA and put this slogan on billboards around the country (hah). Or, on a more person to person level, whenever you’re having to empty your pockets into a plastic tray to enter an office building, or whenever you’re going through the humiliation and annoyance of airport security, just say to any sympathetic person you get into a chat with, not in an angry way, but as a calm statement of truth, “The only reason we have to go through these security checks is the fear of Muslim terrorism. If there were no Muslims in this country, all of these security measures would become unnecessary.” Plant the idea, make people start to realize that the threat of terrorism comes from an element within a certain religious group, and that if that religious group were not here, the threat would not exist, and that as long as that religious group is here, the threat will exist. Time to get people thinking outside the liberal envelope.

- end of initial entry -

Mike Berman writes:

A slogan which Kahanists used to chant at demonstrations was: > No Muslims, No Terror!

LA replies:

Kahane was a man who thought logically. The trouble with him was all that “Arabs are dogs,” rhetoric. That ruined what was otherwise a true and important message.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 12, 2008 07:58 AM | Send

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