Are nonwhites the future of the GOP?

Howard Sutherland writes:

Here it is the Investor’s Business Daily opining about the existential multicultural wonderfulness of the fact that a GOP-registered Vietnamese immigration activist has been elected to the House from Louisiana to replace a corrupt black Democrat. Like those eminently successful politicos GW Bush, Karl Rove and John McCain, the IBD is convinced the only way the GOP can win is by getting darker and darker, so it makes fetishes of anomalies like this gentleman Cao and Bobby Jindal.

How can anyone read Cao’s background and not conclude that he is at best a special pleader for unlimited Vietnamese or Oriental immigration, at worst an undifferentiated open-borders activist? After the utter discrediting of the politics of GW Bush and the defeat of McCain, this really is a case of the dog returning to its own vomit.

As usual, I guess the GOP has not bothered to notice what groups actually voted for whom in the recent presidential election. The sooner the Republican Party is destroyed altogether as a force in American politics, the better. It remains the greatest impediment to forming a conservative opposition that might actually oppose anything. HRS

After reading the IBD editorial, I wrote a letter to the editors, using some of Mr. Sutherland’s ideas:

Investors Business Daily
Re: Your editorial on Joseph Cao

To the editor:

Over the last eight years we’ve seen the GOP hollowed out by George W. Bush and then John McCain, two impassioned advocates of open borders. And now you argue that a Vietnamese immigrant whose main background is in refugee and immigrant advocacy is the “future of the GOP”!

Have you not realized who votes for the Republican party and who doesn’t? White people vote for the Republican party. Nonwhites vote for the Democrats—and all the Republican outreach efforts in the world do not change that fact. McCain, who did everything he could to please Hispanics and to Hispanicize America, was crushed in the Hispanic vote. You can’t do more for Hispanics than McCain tried to do. But the HIspanics went for the Democrats.

Bottom line: the more you increase the numbers and power of nonwhites in America, through the very immigration and refugee policies that Bush, McCain, and Joseph Cao support, you doom the GOP. After the ruin brought to the party by McCain and Bush, for you to tout a pro-immigration Vietnamese-immigrant refugee lawyer as the future of the GOP is truly a case of the dog returning to his vomit.

Lawrence Auster
New York City

I could have added that Obama’s victory is a direct outcome of the mass non-European immigration—leading to a vast increase in the Hispanic population, and relative decline in the white population—that Cao undoubtedly supports.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 09, 2008 11:53 AM | Send

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