Before Anne Pressly, there was Christa Worthington

John Hagan writes:

You might remember the famous, long-unsolved rape and murder of the fashion writer Christa Worthington on Cape Cod in 2002. There was a book “Invisible Eden” written about the murder that spun a fantasy world of various local men who may have killed her. In the end, as revealed by DNA testing, it was a black garbage collector who worked near her secluded home who raped and murdered her. It has a similar M.O. as the Little Rock murder. Single woman living alone in a detached home (and, in Worthington’s case, in a secluded area) where a black male seeks opportunity.

LA replies:

Wikipedia has further information on the conviction of Christopher McCowen for the aggravated rape and murder and Christa Worthington. He’s serving life without parole. In liberal society, to our overlasting disgrace, we allow murderers to live who should be dead. Only if you kill a couple of hundred people, like Timothy McVeigh, or if you do something that for some reason strikes liberal society as going “too far” (simply raping and murdering a woman is not going “too far”), thus triggering an unprincipled exception to liberalism, do you get the death penalty that you deserve.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 06, 2008 07:04 PM | Send

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