Pakistani commenter says Bombay attack was done by Indians in order to blame Pakistan

There is a discussion website called Pakistani Defence Forum, the logo of which says, “ Men at their Best—Pakistan Armed Forces,” which makes it seem as though the site is under the supervision of the Pakistan armed forces, though it’s not clear that that is the case. A poster named Tamerlane, writing from Pakistan, says that the Bombay attack was actually “perpetuated by Hindu terrorists with the help of the Indian Army and CIA/Mossad/MI-6.” So it’s exactly like the Muslims (backed by a fair number of anti-Semites and assorted whackos in the U.S.) who said that the 9/11 attack was actually carried out by President Bush and the Israelis in order to give America an excuse to wage war on Muslims.

Here is the entire post (and there is much more along similar lines on the same page):

The Information war is continuing and the enemies have deleted the threads and postings related to exposing the reality behind the Hindu terrorism in Bombay. So I’m going to recreate one of those threads.

It’s obvious that the Bombay terrorism was perpetuated by Hindu terrorists with the help of the Indian Army and CIA/Mossad/MI-6. India, Israel, Britain and America make up the partnership that has declared a total War on Islam, and their war on Pakistan is part of this conflict.

Pakistan and Iran are the last two countries standing in the way of the enemies of Islam from overrunning the Muslim world. Therefore we find a relentless war being conducted on both these countries. In the case of Pakistan the enemies are particularly targeting the Pakistan Army and ISI as the last remaining hurdles in subjugating Pakistan. As part of that war the Americans and Indians are coordinating their military pressure on Pakistan.

The Zionist infested Western media and the Hindu media are quick to blame terrorist activities that they sponsor on Muslims and Pakistan before any investigation has been done. In this case also while the attacks were still going on when Muslims and Pakistan were blamed, an accusation that borders on being a flight of fantasy in the minds of the enemies.

We will therefore post all the proofs of the terrorist activities being actually the work of Christian terrorists, Jewish terrorists and Hindu terrorists which they blame on Muslims in order to commit mass murder in the Muslim world. We’ve seen the horrific result of the still uninvestigated events of 9/11, 7/7 and others being blamed on Muslims and as a result millions of Muslims being slaughtered. Christian, Hindu and Jewish terrorists have caused the deaths of millions of Muslims in Palestine, Kashmir, India, Iraq, Afghanistan and numerous other places.

So we will no more sit and accept the false accusations and will expose the truth of Christian, Jewish and Hindu lies.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 04, 2008 07:07 AM | Send

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