How the O.J. Simpson verdict changed one man’s view of blacks

I’ve referred many times to the racial awakening of whites that was brought on by the racial elation of blacks at the O.J. Simpson murder acquittal, an awakening that was quickly aborted by the relentless media “re-scripting” of the event into two “equally valid” racial “narratives.” In a recent entry I discuss how the 1950 Joan Crawford movie Harriet Craig rejects the victimological notion that a woman is justified in, or at least should be forgiven for, hating her supposed victimizer’s entire sex, and I relate that idea to the insanity and futility of Randall Robinson-type black victimology toward whites. In response, Irv P. tells of his own awakening to racial victimology at the time of the Simpson acquittal. And his awakening wasn’t momentary, but permanent.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 03, 2008 07:03 PM | Send

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