Black empowerment

John B. writes:

Thought you might want to know that, here in Northeast Philadelphia, we’ve already experienced change we can believe in—I mean really believe in—namely, a black bank robber sporting a “Yes We Can” hat. (See photograph 2 of 11, in the box at the top of the linked page.)

Here’s the text from the page John has linked.

PHILADELPHIA—November 20, 2008 (WPVI)—Police are on the lookout for a man who robbed a Citizens Bank on Cottman Avenue.

(View the two surveillance photos of the suspect in the carousel at the top of the page.) The FBI in Philadelphia and the Philadelphia Police Department are seeking the public’s assistance to identify and apprehend the individual responsible for the robbery of the Citizens Bank Branch located at 2014 Cottman Avenue in Philadelphia on November 20, 2008, at approximately 12:15 PM.

The subject, described as a black male, approximately 35 years of age, 5’10” tall, 220 pounds, with a dark complexion and a beard and mustache, entered the bank and presented a demand note to a teller.

The subject was wearing a baseball cap with the words “YES WE CAN” printed on the front, sunglasses, a beige colored coat, black gloves and blue jeans, fled the bank with an undisclosed amount of cash in a green-colored SUV, possibly a jeep, bearing a license plate from an unknown state that may have the numbers “44660” on it.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 28, 2008 08:33 PM | Send

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