A devastating datum

A reader writes:

Did you know that the average IQ of college students in the 1960s was 115, and now it’s 105?

105, not much above average, and since 105 is the average, that means many are below that. Of course it means many are above it too, but it’s the ones below that can make move things toward lowering standards.

Since the Euro-bots are so eager to emulate us in having a nonwhite leader (see previous entry), I wonder if they will also want to emulate us in lowering the average IQ of college students by ten points. Hey, why not, in the true spirit of progress, kill two birds with one stone? Use racial preferences to increase black and Muslim enrollment in European universities, such as the elite Ecole Polytechnique where the French leadership class is trained, in order to produce a new black and brown elite class from which lots of little European Obamas will emerge! Or, better yet, initiate a program to encourage white women to mate with nonwhite men, in order to produce lots of little racially mixed Obama types. But of course European women, especially the British, are already doing lots of that on their own, aren’t they?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 14, 2008 09:50 AM | Send

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