Homosexual “marriage” has the same significance for homosexuals that the election of a black man as president has for blacks

Remember Kristor’s post about a black friend of his who was so deeply moved by the election of Barack Obama, because it signaled to him that blacks are finally “accepted” in America? Well, according to a commentary from MassResistance, the anti-homosexual rights group in Massachusetts whose e-mails I receive, a similar psychology drives the campaign for homosexual “marriage.”

MassResistance writes:

On the surface, it would seem strange that the homosexual movement is so enraged at the passing of Proposition 8. California already had a domestic partnership statute that gave same-sex couples all of the significant rights and obligations traditionally associated with the institution of marriage. Proposition 8 doesn’t change that. Prop 8 only deals with the word “marriage”. It simply says, “Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.”

Like the recent weak Massachusetts marriage amendment, it allows any kind of exact copy of marriage. So they already have everything they want.

But they don’t really have what they want. They’re not that interested in technical rights. They want acceptance. They want acceptance of homosexuality to be forced on a society that would never accept it without coercion. That’s why the word “marriage” is much more important to them than the rights and obligations of marriage.

At a very visceral, emotional level they want all of society’s institutions—the schools, government, business, media, etc.—to recognize homosexual behavior as a natural equivalent to heterosexuality. That’s why the word “equal” is a part of so many of their activities and organizations.

But humanity being what it is, over all these thousands of years, the radicals know that what they want won’t ever happen on its own. Ultimately, a human court or legislature can’t repeal the laws of nature. That’s a big problem for them.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 29, 2008 10:41 PM | Send

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