BBC presenter fired for asking for non-Asian cab driver

(Note: Philip M., below, sees this incident as setting a precedent for a new kind of PC intrusion into areas of private choice.)

Sam Mason, a female host on BBC radio, called a taxi company to pick up her 14 year old daughter. She asked that the driver not have a turban, as that would “freak out” her daughter. The company recorded the call, released it to the press, and Mason was fired.

There are two many possible angles to this story to sort it out right away. This is a job for … The Moral Maze.

- end of initial entry -

November 13

Philip M. writes from England:

I suppose taxi drivers over here operate on the same principle as Henry Ford sold his cars—you can have any colour you like, as long as it’s black.

Previously the race relations industry had focused on employers and businesses, which did not impact too much on the lives of most people. This story represents the thin end of the wedge for race-conscious whites, as the last few bastions of choice—who we have in our home, who we choose to have relationships with, and where we shop, are now closed down. There is a very dangerous precedent being set here.

I have wondered recently how long it will be before dating sites are told that they must withdraw the sections they often include on racial preferences. After all, true love is blind, and only a racist would actively specify someone of his or her own race, right? (Apart from Asians, Africans and Orientals who may have legitimate cultural reasons for wanting to marry within their own race, which should be respected).

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 11, 2008 08:08 PM | Send

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