How will Obama’s advent change this?

In a “troubled” city, a “troubled” school, with “troubled” pupils, all of whose ancestors came from a “troubled” continent

Overhauling D.C. School Overcome by Violence
Washington Post, November 9, 2008

D.C. Chancellor Michelle A. Rhee has dispatched a team of administrators and extra security to an Anacostia middle school where three teachers have been assaulted, a 14-year-old was charged with carrying a shotgun and students have run the hallways discharging fire extinguishers.

The intervention began Monday at Hart Middle School, where a dismal academic record—17 percent of its students read at proficiency level last year—triggered a mandatory overhaul under the federal No Child Left Behind law.

Interviews with teachers, parents, students and police paint a picture of a troubled school that, far from hitting bottom with its placement on “restructuring” status, has fallen into an even deeper hole. It is overenrolled and understaffed and lacks the extra academic support promised by Rhee, teachers said.

A young new principal, installed this fall to raise student achievement, has struggled to bond with teachers and establish basic order, parents and staff said.

“Kids sitting on desks, coming into classrooms and knocking over books, cussing, running through the halls,” said Timothy Favors, who has visited Hart on multiple occasions because his son, a sixth-grader, is getting poor grades after doing well at Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School. “This isn’t a school I would recommend for anyone. You could have a perfectly normal child, and he would get flipped here like a pancake.” [cont.]

- end of initial entry -

Mel R. writes:

My standard to response to any and all Obama worshipers will be:

“Why doesn’t Obama send his children to DC public schools?”

LA replies:

That’s really good.

Of course, the same question has often been thrown at liberals. But now it has a particular zing it lacked before, eh?

Richard S. writes:

Benign neglect, the one approach to the Negro and his intractable intransigence to the civilizing process that would have resulted in the least harm to whites, has never been tried, and is now, under Obama, dead letter. As regards non-functioning black schools, which can never be made to function for an obvious reason, the median black IQ of 85, whites will be bled unmercifully to superfund them in order to make up for past injustices or some such tripe. Will this and all the other racial horrors sure to rain down on whites in the next four years result in the raising of white consciousness? I don’t know.

Anyway, it doesn’t matter. The only hope for whites is separation.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 11, 2008 08:25 AM | Send

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