Comparison between the coming Obama presidency and the O.J. Simpson acquittal

Paul Nachman wrote on October 30:

Tonight Peter Brimelow has posted his forward to Steve Sailer’s new book on Obama. It includes this :

I think the contradictions that Steve has identified in this book will turn any Obama Presidency into a four-year O.J. Simpson trial and that the consequent melt-down will compare to the Chernobyl of the Carter Presidency in its destructive partisan effects.

I can’t wait.

I wonder if Peter had the “OJ” idea independently of you or if one of you got it from the other.

LA replied:

I’ve been drawing a parallel between the possible effects of an Obama presidency and the O.J. Simpson situation at least since the Jeremiah Wright affair last March. I haven’t compared an Obama presidency to the entire Simpson trial, which was a long drag, but rather to the joyous, race-hateful reaction of blacks to the acquittal at the end of the trial and the (as it turned out, momentary) effect this had on whites’ view of blacks. Blacks justified their mass ecstasy over the acquittal of a man everyone knew was a murderer by their insistence that police are not only anti-black, but so anti-black that, in a superhumanly complicated plot, they framed the popular O.J. Simpson, a figure far more popular among whites than blacks. Both the stunning acquittal and the even more stunning black reaction to it made whites start to grasp for the first time blacks real feelings about America, about whites, about black-on-white violence, about police and so on. But this white shock was then systematically put to sleep by the media which went into overdrive portraying blacks’ joy as being equally valid in its own way as the white’s negative reaction to the black’s joy. So nothing came of the event from the point of view of advancing racial realism in the country as a whole. My point has been that an Obama presidency, by continually unleashing black racial feelings, would be like a four-year long OJ Simpson acquittal celebration, permanently awakening whites to racial realities and thus leading them to a more realistic, i.e.,non-liberal, racial politics.

(I should add, the hope is that whites will realize, not just the truth about blacks, but the truth about liberal whites, who support and encourage blacks in their destructive racial attitudes against whites. The real cultural war in America is not blacks against whites, but liberal whites against non-liberal whites (or against those whom liberal propaganda casts in that villainous role). So far, that war has only been waged in one direction. My hope is that under an Obama presidency the non-liberal whites will start to push back.)

Here are three key passages from my articles:

Four years of Obama in the White House would be like four years of blacks dancing in the street over the OJ Simpson verdict. The white awakening would be irreversible. [VFR, March 15, 2008]

[A]n Obama presidency would be like a four-year-long O.J. Simpson acquittal sack dance by black America [VFR, Sept 3, 2008]

There have been other epiphanies. The biggest one so far was set off by the behavior of blacks after the O.J. Simpson acquittal. Obama may be now be exposed as too leftist and ridiculous to be elected, but I still say that if he is elected, which will truly “liberate” the Jeremiah Wrights and the Alicia Keyes and the Michelle Obamas and raise their liberated voices to the highest level of national prominence, American life for the next four years will be one long epiphany. [VFR, April 12, 2008]

That’s a short answer. Below are the longer passages in which the above quotations appeared.

Obama’s incredible denial (March 15, 2008)

Update: A strong editorial on Obama and Wright in Investors Business Daily gives the full flavor of Wright’s Farrakhan-like diatribes against evil white America. And we’re supposed to believe that Obama never heard these things? Over a period of twenty years? His denial makes him look like one of the biggest liars ever, and also like one of the biggest fools ever. It would be like St. Peter saying, “Gosh, I never heard Jesus say anything about his father in heaven. I thought he was taking us on nature walks.”

This exposure of Obama is a very good thing, because it reveals to whites the attitudes and beliefs of a major part of black America. With Obama, whites thought they were getting Sidney Poitier, but it turns out they’re getting the OJ Simpson verdict—the raw reality of American-hating black America which is always there, but which whites normally refuse to see because it would upset their reverie of racial equality and comity.

Even more, the fact that it is the nicest, least racial black man, even the race-transcending messiah himself, who has been uncovered as a life-long follower of a white-hating, Farrakhan-like pastor, will shock whites out of their dream of racial sameness and into the reality of racial differences. But, as I see it, this is not just about stopping Obama for the Democratic nomination, and it’s also not about helping McCain. If, notwithstanding the current exposure of him, Obama is nominated and elected, that will not be bad, but good. Four years of Obama in the White House would be like four years of blacks dancing in the street over the OJ Simpson verdict. The white awakening would be irreversible. And if whites awoke and began to resist permanently the liberal lies about race, the lie that the races are the same, the lie that any race difference is whites’ fault for which they must forever atone, it could mean nothing less than the salvation of America.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Obama in the White House, as damaging as it might be, means life for conservatism, and thus life for America, or at least the chance of life for America. McCain in the White House means death for conservatism, and thus death for America, or at least a condition approaching closer and closer to death.

Who is Barack Obama? (March 15, 2008)

Stephen H. writes:

Now that Wright’s hate filled rhetoric has been seen ad nauseam by millions of people across our country, so what? Now THEY are trying to figure what WE did to make them feel this way. Now black hate is normalized.

Just as disgusting is Fox News putting on guests saying that that they support their “right to free speech.” This was said over and over again.

Free speech? What would any honest person have to say about this vial hatred and free speech? Who was censored? Who was prosecuted for speaking hate? Who was arrested?

This is about having an anti-American, ant-white hate monger in the White House.

If we don’t speak up now this opportunity will be lost forever.

Sorry Larry, this hatred will be accepted infinitum, in what was the United States, if this evil man becomes our president.

No turning back.

LA replies:

I haven’t been watching tv, but if what Stephen is staying is correct, then we’re having another OJ Simpson acquittal, in the negative sense. Meaning: something damning is revealed about black America, namely that blacks hate America and whites; and the media, in order to suppress whites’ normal reactions to this, normalizes the black behavior. Now that could work here, as happened with the media’s manipulations of white opinion after the OJ acquittal. But there are reasons for thinking it won’t work this time. This is not about one black celebrity murderer. This is about a possible black president. Whites, or at least many conservative whites, are never going to accept the legitimacy of a presidential candidate who devoutly followed a white-demonizing Farrakhan-like “reverend” for 20 years. Therefore, even if Obama is elected, the conservatives—or at least many of them—will continue to oppose him, continue to deny his legitimacy, and this means life for conservatism and thus for America.

I repeat that the most important thing for the survival and recovery of our civilization is that the ruling liberal order be opposed. If McCain is president, it will not be opposed. If Obama is president, it will be opposed.

Now consider this: will McCain take a stand on Wright and Obama? Will he say it’s totally unacceptable that Obama has been the follower of such a man and that this disqualifies Obama from the presidency? If McCain does not take such a stand, if McCain only deals with this issue in some low-key way, and dismisses the conservative attack on the Obama-Wright connection, and says that the conservatives are being “divisive,” then that will prove that there’s not much difference between the anti-American McCain, whom conservatives will not oppose, and the anti-American Obama, whom conservatives will oppose, and therefore that it would be better for Obama to be president.

The sun god can’t get his mask back on April 12, 2008

[A reader referred to the discovery that a sweet-looking black female singer Alicia Keyes openly hates whites, and I replied.]

Ben has just described a very disturbing epiphany (an overused word, especially in reference for something negative, but I can’t think of a better one) about the character of blacks. Is it true of all blacks? No, of course not, but it’s a major part of the black “thing” and it’s not about to go away. There have been other epiphanies. The biggest one so far was set off by the behavior of blacks after the O.J. Simpson acquittal. Obama may be now be exposed as too leftist and ridiculous to be elected, but I still say that if he is elected, which will truly “liberate” the Jeremiah Wrights and the Alicia Keyes and the Michelle Obamas and raise their liberated voices to the highest level of national prominence, American life for the next four years will be one long epiphany.

The Morningside Heights atrocity, and a question for Obama (June 7, 2008)

Let’s look at it this way. We already know that millions of blacks are walking around with a huge animosity against whites, based on a continually enflamed sense of white oppression. For these blacks, it’s as though slavery is still going on, as we see in the sermons of Wright and Pfleger, whose audiences lap it up. So, if large numbers (we don’t know how many) of middle-class, “Christian” blacks have this kind of anti-white rage and even vengefulness, which was fully on display at the time of the OJ Simpson acquittal, and which is entirely accepted as normal within the black community, isn’t it also to be expected that lots of lower level blacks have the same kind anti-white hatred, only they express it, not by whooping it up at a church “sermon,” but by physically targeting white people?

Why I will not vote for McCain-Palin [September 3, 2008]

[In the comments section, a reader asked me to explain my statement that “an Obama presidency, by unleashing the black agenda and the anti-white, multicultural agenda as a whole, may serve to awaken white Americans to the racial threat to America and get them finally to stand up against it.” I replied:]

Start with these, which I just googled by searching “obama” and “simpson” at VFR. I was looking for pieces containing my argument that an Obama presidency would be like a four-year-long O.J. Simpson acquittal sack dance by black America, waking up white America to what black America really is (which of course does not mean all individual blacks).

Finally, getting back to Vdare, Patrick Cleburne in a November 2, 2008 Vdare blog entry echoes Brimelow’s comment that he “can’t wait” for an Obama presidency:

I find I am quite looking forward to an Obama Administration. As Peter Brimelow has remarked, ethnicity is destiny in American politics. Right now the natural bastion of Founding-Stock Americans, the Republican Party, is run by men too stupid, cowardly (and sometimes disloyal) for it to fulfill its function. After the four-year O.J. Simpson trial the Obama White House promises to be (don’t believe me? Read Steve Sailer’s book) with its inevitable anti-white atrocities everything will change.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 04, 2008 09:25 AM | Send

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