Life imitating … the Bible

Did you ever get the feeling that European politicians, bureaucrats, and cultural elites at some point in the last forty years read one of those colorful, end-of-the-world novels based on the Book of Revelation, such as Robert Hugh Benson’s early 20th century classic Lord of the World, or the recent Left Behind series, and said to themselves, “You know, that smooth talking humanitarian who seduces humanity and takes over the world, he is very cool. Let’s be like him!” The smooth talking humanitarian is, of course, the anti-Christ.

That thought was triggered by an article at the Hudson Institute’s website about the EU’s plans to establish “a European Empire, a nuclear superpower with a Muslim population of 50 percent, extending from the Sahara to the North Pole and from Ireland to Vladivostok.” According to Alexandra Colen, a Vlaams Belang member of the Belgian legislature, the inclusion of the Muslim world in the EU has already gone beyond the proposal stage: Morocco has been given “special association status” allowing it to participate in high level EU bodies.

It’s interesting to think how, just as in the late Middle Ages, when the Low Countries, so geographically small, were the cultural center of Europe, Belgium is today both the capital of the evil EU and the home of the Vlaams Belang, which is a principal target of the EU and a leader in the fight against it.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 31, 2008 07:51 PM | Send

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