The debate, so to speak, continues at Reason, so to speak

A reader writes:

Regarding your post about Reason magazine’s attack on Mark Krikorian for “hat-tipping” you, I thought you might enjoy, if that is the word, some back-and-forth between myself and two other posters late in that thread.

The exchange starts under my moniker “pushpin” on 28 October, 12:41 p.m. I don’t normally go in for this sort of sparring, but there seemed some ideas that needed addressing. Unfortunately, it turns out they were not intellectually that serious (surprise). Yet another reminder that a lot of what looks appetizing in the intellectual blogs is largely a waste of time. If we used the word in the U.S., many libertarians would be called nutters I think. Anyway, I did notice that much earlier in that lengthy thread your supporters were in evidence and that is a good sign in my opinion.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 29, 2008 01:00 PM | Send

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