Pepsi goes messianic

Pepsi-Cola, a company that manufactures and sells carbonated soft drinks, has embraced the goal of “bringing humanity back,” and, in the process, has adopted a logo strikingly like Barack Obama’s. As Toynbee said, culture progresses and changes by a process of mimesis—imitation of that which is being done by cultural elites. If Obama is elected president, the first nonwhite U.S. president, and thus the most important man in the world, the elite of all elites, the culture will shift toward following him and mimicking him in obvious and subtle ways.

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Sebastian writes:

Pepsi’s always been a bit messianic actually, branding themselves as the multicult, younger, Benetton-style alternative to Coca Cola. “Pepsi Generation” was used as far back as 1963 or ‘64, and the 1984 ad campaign with Michael Jackson was “The Choice of a New Generation.” Either consciously or not, Coke has assumed the traditionalist role of harking back to the Fifties hamburger diner with waitresses on skateboards. Pepsi is urban chic; Coke is suburban solid. But what’s most important is that Atlanta-based Coke has always had a bigger market share.

MG writes:

Pepsi-Cola CEO is Indian-born Indra K. Nooy. A few years ago, while Pepsi’s CFO, she gave a speech where she compared USA to a middle finger to the world ( There was a minor scandal with bloggers demanding her resignation, fat chance. And Pepsi’s board has gone right ahead and promoted her to CEO.

I bet Pepsi’s sales has not even dropped after Middle Finger scandal.

Ray G. from Dearborn writes:

The woman who runs PepsiCo, the parent company of Pepsi Cola, is either an Indian national or a recent Indian-American “immigrant” but more importantly, I have read a few things of and by her and she comes across as a fervent anti-Western, anti-American, no question about it. She wants to make Pepsi less American and more global. Oh brother, like it hasn’t already been so for decades lady?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 28, 2008 01:45 PM | Send

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