The browning of the Western nations means the loss of their identity, and thus of their existence

Jeff in England writes:

Definitions of race, institution and country are in great flux due to immigration and mixing of the races. So is Obama, with his white mother, black in the same way that Rev. James Manning is? Due to racial mixing, the term black people (or Negro) simply cannot mean what it did 100 years ago or even fifty years ago. [LA replies: I don’t agree. The existence of some half-white, half-black people doesn’t make black people any less black.] Or can the England of way back when be talked about as the same England as today when there are huge amounts of ‘non-indigenous’ people here (even white Eastern Europeans)? Or America? Or the West?

LA replies:

You’re talking about the loss of identity, and thus the loss of existence, of the white Western nations. One either accepts that loss of existence, or identifies it and resists it. And to resist it means to say that it should not be happening, that it should be stopped and reversed. And the only people saying that in Britain are the group you disdain, the BNP.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 15, 2008 10:00 AM | Send

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