Obama will fundamentally alter the nation’s character

Mark Levin wrote on October 16 at the Corner:

Obama is asking the nation to honor him with its highest office. Yet, during most of his adulthood, he has befriended some of the worst kind of people—many of whom detest the nation Obama seeks to lead. And when combined with Obama’s own extremism on issue after issue (is there a left-wing position he does not embrace?), there can be no doubt that an Obama administration working with a Democrat majority in Congress will fundamentally alter the nation’s character in ways that will be very difficult to unravel….

Obama and David Axelrod know exactly what they are doing, and so do most of the media anchors and reporters. And they hope to alter this country in ways we should all find revolting.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 25, 2008 01:51 PM | Send

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