RCP average bouncing like a yo-yo

The RCP average as of 1:30 a.m. Saturday night / Sunday morning has Obama up by 7.6 points. This seems strange. Three days ago Obama’s lead had dropped suddenly from something like 6.2 to 5.2 in one day, then it jumped up to 6.2 again in about one day, and now a day later it’s at 7.6?

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Anna writes:

We’re less than four weeks to the vote, and both polls and voters are subject to the vagaries of the moment.

There’s the world-wide financial crisis, occupying many thoughts on many levels and changing daily. There’s McCain saying, to quote from one of your earlier posts (and it’s repeatedly reported), that Obama is “A decent person and a person that you do not have to be scared of as president of the United States.”

What’s a voter (decided or undecided) to think?

Maybe it’s just tune in, same time, same station, tomorrow for the latest.

Mark Jaws writes:

The RCP is not a yo-yo, but merely reflects the ups and down of the news cycle—i.e., the severe downturn of the stock market, the dissatisfaction with the economic status quo, the absence of any leadership by the current dolt in the White House, and the bad news for Palin from the Alaskan panel which accused her of using her political influence to fire one of her commissioners.

Right now, Republicans have no sense of purpose. Deep down they know what is wrong—economically and socially—but are too timid to confront the growing Mestizo and non-white immigrant electorate. If they keep this up, their white base will abandon the GOP and look elsewhere for political satisfaction.

Terry Morris writes:

Obama’s average is as unstable as the current economy.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 12, 2008 01:26 AM | Send

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