Ayers’s history was well known in Chicago

Digging into the Chicago Tribune of the 1990s, Jonah Goldberg has found numerous articles about William Ayers and his history as a Weather Underground bomber. Further proof (if any were needed, which it’s not) that there is no way Obama did not know about Ayers’s background during the period he was closely associated with him as a fellow member of the Woods Foundation board and as the chairman of the board of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge which Ayers founded. Obama is a total liar. The U.S. is close to electing to the presidency a man of the left who lies, not just about this or that event, but about his entire life. And the Republican candidate running against him doesn’t have it in him to expose these facts. That would be “divisive.”

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Doug E. writes:

“And the Republican candidate running against him doesn’t have it in him to expose these facts.”

Neither does the media.

You may find this, from CBS News, of interest:

The McCain folks are more helpful and generally friendly. The schedules are printed on actual books you can hold in your hand, read, and then plan accordingly. The press aides are more knowledgeable and useful to us in the news media. The events are designed with a better eye, and for the simple needs of the press corps. When he is available, John McCain is friendly and loquacious. Obama holds news conferences, but seldom banters with the reporters who’ve been following him for thousands of miles around the country. Go figure.

The McCain campaign plane is better than Obama’s, which is cramped, uncomfortable and smells terrible most of the time. Somehow the McCain folks manage to keep their charter clean, even where the press is seated.

The other day in Albuquerque, N.M., the reporters were given almost no time to file their reports after McCain spoke. It was an important, aggressive speech, lambasting Obama’s past associations. When we asked for more time to write up his remarks and prepare our reports, the campaign readily agreed to it. They understood.

Similar requests are often denied or ignored by the Obama campaign aides, apparently terrified that the candidate may have to wait 20 minutes to allow reporters to chronicle what he’s just said. It’s made all the more maddening when we are rushed to our buses only to sit and wait for 30 minutes or more because nobody seems to know when Obama is actually on the move.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 08, 2008 08:21 PM | Send

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