The facilitator

Joseph Rosenberger writing at American Thinker elucidates an aspect of Obama, having nothing to do with ideology, character, patriotism, or the lack of it, that makes him unsuited for the presidency: he’s a facilitator, not an executive; he’s a person who helps along a process from the outside, not one who leads and takes responsibility for what is done. Rosenberger’s example of a facilitator is President Clinton, especially on foreign policy. While it’s an interesting point, it also inadvertently undermines the Republican case that Obama would be so catastrophic that he must be kept from the presidency at all costs. Clinton damaged the country in various ways, especially (and we’ve never recovered from it) morally. But if the worst one can say about Obama is that he would be ineffective in the same way that Clinton was ineffective, then Obama would not be effective in doing bad things. He would not be, as many fear he would be, a successful revolutionary, or a successful traitor.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 17, 2008 09:08 AM | Send

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