A Canadian worries about the U.S.

Chris from Ontario is shocked at the Obama personality cult and says it could never happen in Canada.

He writes:

With regard to uniformed Obama Youth cult followers, that they exist and are tolerated in the United States of America, which I regard to be the last bastion of Western Civilization, is quite terrifying.

In Canada, of course, all politicians are to one degree or another the product of the left, from the center left Tories to the hard left NDP (the Liberals vacillate but are more often to be found toward the farther left end of the spectrum ). However our leaders are invariably (sometimes deliberately) insipid, and do not produce enough passion in the numbed and politically illiterate Canadian public for such a phenomenon as the Obama Youth to arise. That’s not to say, of course, that the far left hasn’t organized itself and even infiltrated the governmental apparatus here extensively, because it has. However, a cult of personality in Canada, Obama style, is not something that would be to the taste of Canadians, who like their leaders lukewarm.

The USA is where the final battle for the survival of the West, in any recognizable form, will take place. It greatly alarms me, a non-American, to see such quasi-Stalinist entities exist and to even be tolerated.

Posted October 8

Winston Smith writes:

I’m a little surprised a good Canadian like Chris has seemed to forget the personality cult that developed around the the Right Honourable Pierre Trudeau. As the father of Canadian multiculturalism and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the two cancers that are destroying the country, he haunts us still.

Ray G. writes from Dearborn:

As someone who lives close to Canada and watches Canadian television, I would concur that such things as the Obama Youth Regiment would not likely happen there but the main reason is because Canadians are by and large, quite passive.

Furthermore, Canada, up until mass immigration affected them in recent years, was very Caucasian, Judeo-Christian and very homogeneous even within that category. When a nation allows minority/sub-groups to grow in numbers and allows their sub-culture to be “celebrated” to ridiculous degrees, to the exclusion of rational assimilation, you are going to get future disunity and possible political separation.

The Islamification of Canada through immigration portends future “Youth Regiments” there as well.

James W. writes:

So, Chris from Ontario is telling us they are already so mind-numbed by socialism and political correctness in the North that no one would bother to start another really bad idea.

October 10

Chris from Ontario writes:

Winston Smith amusingly refers to me as a “good Canadian,” something I’ve rarely been called by another Canadian. And while I would agree with him regarding the effects and legacy of the despicable Pierre Trudeau, I don’t recall any uniformed “Trudeau Youth Regiments” spouting personality cult slogans. That’s why, although Trudeau did and does have enthusiastic fans, they could hardly be compared with the Stalinist style personality cults that Obama has produced.

James W.’s assessment of the cause for this is probably correct: Canadians, long used to the dead embrace of Big Government, have grown passive, apathetic, and unaware of the loss of their own culture, rapidly disappearing down the memory hole the government has created for it.

And yes, the presence of large numbers of Muslims who use our PC, multiculturalist culture against us does portend organized militia-style “youth regiments” of the type seen in Europe and in some cities in the U.S.

Again I would make a distinction.These are not the same thing as neo-Stalinist personality cults, in that, while they might possess and celebrate strong leaders, the only cult they follow is that of Mohammed.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 06, 2008 11:53 PM | Send

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