Obama’s second beyond unbelievable lie

When Obama claimed last spring that he had no knowledge of the anti-American, anti-white preaching of Jeremiah Wright and about the demonization of whites promulgated by James Cone of whose Black Liberation Theology Wright was the foremost exponent, I said Obama was the biggest liar I had ever seen, bigger than Clinton, because he was falsifying his entire adult life.

And now, as reported at Powerline, Obama has come up with an equally staggering lie, having his campaign manager, David Axelrod, claim that Obama did not know that the famous Weather Underground terrorist William Ayers, with whom Obama was closely associated for years, had been a Weather Underground terrorist.

Also, media people, such as Jim Accosta of CNN, who is quoted interviewing Axelrod, should not be allowed to get away with saying that Obama merely “sat on the same board” with Ayers, suggesting an image of two men who happened to sit at the same table among many other people and hardly knew each other. The truth, brought out by Stanley Kurtz, is that Ayers founded the Chicago Annenberg Challenge and picked Obama as the chairman, a position he served in for four years working closely with Ayers.

There are conservatives (I am one of them) who so oppose McCain, the McCainized Republicans, and the neocons that however much they may dread the prospect (I dread it greatly), they prefer that Obama win, and therefore they will not vote for McCain. They have a right to that preference. They do not have the right to deny or downplay the facts about Obama.

This sounds contradictory, but is not. It is precisely because Obama’s radical record is so objectionable, and because McCain does not find it objectionable enough to oppose him over it, that McCain deserves to lose. With the McCainaanites defeated, the possibility will open up for conservatives who actually oppose the left to step into the breach. So, if you desire the disappearance of any mainstream conservative opposition to the left, then you should vote for McCain. If you hope for a restoration of conservative opposition to leftism, then you should prefer that Obama win (not that any conservative should vote for him, but simply decline to vote for McCain).

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And here’s something new: a 1997 panel on juvenile justice hosted by the University of Chicago’s Community Service Center, of which Michelle Obama was then the Associate Dean, featured William Ayers and Barack Obama.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 06, 2008 06:42 PM | Send

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