Indigenous squatters displaced by immigrant squatters

Jeff in England writes:

Quick funny story. I know a bunch of squatters in London. Very “together” and they are often let to stay in the places they squat because they put so much work into improving the premises. They have just been given two nice houses to live in in a lovely Jewish area by a Jewish organisation in return for watching an empty Jewish centre.

These squatters are indigenous British people (and one mixed race guy who is their enforcer)who are very unmaterialistic to say the least and dare I say it spiritual.

A bunch of crass South American squatters somehow moved in (squats are hard to protect) who are heavily into money and material things. They will not listen to the indigenous squatters at all and love to drink and party loud and draw attention to themselves. So the original squatters have called in a New Age mediator (“non-violent communication” practitioner). So immigration even affects the hard core Counterculture. You couldn’t make it up.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 28, 2008 05:43 PM | Send

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