Sarah in New York

For Sarah Palin fans (and I admit I sometimes am one, though not for the vice presidency), the New York Daily News has a gallery of photos of Palin for each day of her visit to New York City. As the English would say, she’s smashing. With her pleasing jacket and skirt combinations, along with her unique hair style, she seems to have solved the problem of how a woman can look both feminine and prepared for action in the public world. Whether women should be acting in the public world is another question (which I have addressed here, here, and here). At the moment, and for the foreseeable future, they are.

Meanwhile, Kathryn Jean Lopez at the Corner, far from disagreeing with Kathleen Parker’s surprising “Sarah should withdraw” column, says that she is very concerned about Palin’s less than stellar performance in interviews. She urges that Palin’s handlers stop prepping and packaging her and just let her be herself.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 28, 2008 02:20 PM | Send

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