The field narrows…

A reader writes:

It’s not Pawlenty. It’s official, he got the call saying no.

If it’s not Pawlenty, the Minnesota governor, then it becomes all the more likely that it’s Romney. However, I repeat what I’ve said before, that while Romney is the most capable, the choice of him as McCain’s VP would be bad for several reasons. It would be bad for whatever remains of Romney’s own integrity (turning him into the tool and creature of his former foe), bad for conservatism (turning the former conservative standard bearer into the eager lieutenant of the man whose mission is to destroy conservatism), and bad for immigration control (turning the former opponent of amnesty into the lapdog of the man who wants open borders).

However, since everything I’ve hoped for this election year has not happened, it’s a good bet that McCain will pick Romney.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 29, 2008 08:01 AM | Send

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