Democrats—always pretending to be the opposite of what they really are

Do people who love their country grab you by the collar and keep repeating, “I love this country,” “This country that we all love,” “We love this country,” “This country that we love so much,” “We love this country,” “We love our country”?

Has not a single person in the Democratic party heard Shakespeare’s, “The lady doth protest too much, me thinks”? The line refers to a queen in a play who keeps telling her husband the king how much she loves him, prior to killing him.

And speaking of a queen who protests too much, just a few months ago, the nominee’s wife said that America, unless it elected her husband, was a country of fear, said that she had never in her life felt proud of America until her husband was on the verge of becoming the Democratic nominee, and said in a speech, quoted in The New Yorker, that America is “just downright mean.” Now she tells us, repeatedly, that she loves America. And the mainstream media validate her obvious lie, telling us that yes, indeed, Michelle Obama loves America, and that the notion that she doesn’t is a falsehood generated by the Republican attack machine!

In 2004, the Democrats, nominating a man whose entire political career had been devoted to tearing down our military and deriding as “shameful” any act taken by America in its own defense, ran a four-day long extravaganza presenting themselves as the party of national defense. Never had there been anything so palpably fake in the history of politics.

In 2008, the Democrats, nominating a man who for 20 years devotedly followed an America-hating, Farrakhanite preacher, ran a four-day long extravaganze in which speakers must have told us 400 times that they love America.

The hyperbolic patriotism of patriotic Republicans is unpleasant. The hyperbolic patriotism of left-wing, victimological, anti-American Democrats is sickening.

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Obama and his wife do not and cannot love America, based on their life-long identification with the black adversary culture. See my article from last February, “Obama’s Communist mentor, Obama’s anti-American wife.”

Terry Morris writes:

You wrote:

Do people who love their country grab you by the collar and keep repeating, “I love this country,” “This country that we all love,” “We love this country,” “This country that we love so much,” “We love this country,” “We love our country”?

That’s funny. Do spouses who truly love each other incessantly say to each other “I love you” to end every telephone call, or show affection physically in public at every departure? Do good parents engage in aggressively correcting their unruly children in public places? Do good disciplinarians have to do this with their children? Do teenagers who are “drug free” and “sex free” go about announcing it to everyone?

I’ve seen innumerable examples of the very thing you’re talking about, and it always looks and feels superficial, because it generally is.

People think they’re masters at hiding what they really are. It’s amazing.

Alan M. writes:

The issue really comes down to a difference in what we and liberals mean by “America”.

To liberals, rooted in the worldview and metaphysic (actually anti- metaphysic) that matter is supreme and ideas like “Truth” and “Reason” are epiphenomena, “America” is this physical pile of dirt bounded by two oceans and two countries. It is a physical thing.

To conservatives, rooted in the worldview that takes into account both the transcendent and the immanent, where Truth, Beauty, Wisdom, and Reason rule, America is not just a physical pile of dirt but a place, a people, a culture, an ideal.

Obama and the left despise our America and love their “America”. Of course, even then, they can’t figure out why our pile of dirt is better than Europe’s pile of dirt or anybody else’s for that matter. That’s why patriotism disgusts them. Dirt is dirt.

But then, you’ve been saying this type of stuff all along.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 29, 2008 06:42 AM | Send

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