The conservative hive

Acting as one, the entire establishment conservative blogosphere today is swarming against the Obama campaign for ganging up on Stanley Kurtz for his research into the William Ayers Barack Obama connection. Yet for all the fulminating by the conservatives, I haven’t seen a single article explaining what Kurtz has actually found. If someone has an article providing Kurtz’s actual damaging information about Ayers and Obama, and not just Kurtz’s and his fellow establicons’ hyperventilating about Kurtz’s efforts to find damaging information about Ayers and Obama, and their hyperventilating about the Obama campaign’s attacks on Kurtz for his efforts to find damaging information on Ayers and Obama, I’d like to see it.

UPDATE: A reader heard Kurtz on the Hugh Hewitt show today talking about what he has found. Perhaps there will be transcript of the intereview at this page by tomorrow.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 28, 2008 05:08 PM | Send

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