How can we “all get along,” if our good is their evil?

Andrew H. writes:

Yesterday the NY Post had a small article titled “Harlem Has Hero At Helm in Obama” In the accompanying image of the vendor holding Obama shirts, the one on the table below his left hand reads, “A White Man’s Heaven Is a Black Man’s Hell,” with the bottom-most line reading, “Never Forget.” I can’t make out the picture, but I’m assuming it’s slavery related.

Anyway, I don’t submit this as some sort of evidence not to vote for Obama, just pointing out an egregious example of how victimology and resentment is peddled in places high and low in black ghettos.

LA replies:

“A White Man’s Heaven Is a Black Man’s Hell.”

Doesn’t that convey the very heart of the black American view of whites, as we see it expressed at every level of black American society, ranging from Jeremiah Wright and his congregants, to Michelle Obama, to the Black Congressonal Caucus, to black street people? For us what is the best, is for them the worst. What for us is good, is for them evil. What for us are our greatest achievements, are for them something to be resented and undercut. What for us are normal standards of decent behavior and of intellectual and professional accomplishment, are for them discriminatory roadblocks and racist bars that are being forever raised.

As I’ve been saying lately, this fundamental animus of black America (which doesn’t mean all blacks as individuals, but black America as an organized community) against whites and white civilization will never change. Which means that to the extent that white America recognizes black America as its equal, white America is legitimizing an endless war against itself. Therefore, instead of uncritically embracing and celebrating black America, white America needs to speak the truth that black America is hostile to white America, and then to act accordingly, which means, in practical terms, to relegate blacks’ anti-white, anti-American view to the margins of society, instead of installing it at the center of society.

Mark Jaws writes:

Oh, how I wish that every anti-white black person in the West could be visited by Clarence the Angel and be given a look at what their lives would be like if the white man had never existed. It is no exaggeration to say that at least 75% of blacks would never have been born since they owe their very lives to the genius of white medicine men. I wonder if Lawrence Auster spends more of his time musing over the potential joys of separatism.

Adela G. writes:

Presumably the title of this entry is a rhetorical question.

I am so tired of left-wing animosity from both blacks and whites that I no longer have any desire to get along with any of them. Indeed, I firmly believe the rest of us would get along much better without them.

Peter H. writes:

“Therefore, instead of uncritically embracing and celebrating black America, white America needs to speak the truth that black America is hostile to white America, and then to act accordingly, which means, in practical terms, to relegate blacks’ anti-white, anti-American view to the margins of society, instead of installing it at the center of society.”

Should one not, then, vote McCain, as poor an alternative as he might be? Would not an Obama victory, among other things, be “embracing and celebrating black America” and, in the eyes of many blacks, serve to “…[install black America] at the center of society”? Although McCain would probably be pleased if that happened, indeed, would help it to happen, at least there would not be the attendant empowerment and legitimization an Obama presidency would cause in the minds of many blacks.

LA replies:

The installing of black America at the center of society has already happened, and will continue to progress under McCain, as will the steady transformation of America into a nonwhite country. My view is that if Obama comes to power, blacks will be “unleashed,” and the nature of black America will be revealed as never before, and there is a chance that more whites will wake up to it and speak the truth about it and start to resist it. Of course, I don’t know that that will happen. But there is a reasonable chance that it will happen, whereas if McCain is president the country will continue under the intellectual death of neoconservative rule. So that’s why I’ve been saying all year, Bring It On.

On the other hand, you may be right that if Obama is president, the racial and cultural destruction of America will only accelerate.

Hannon writes:

I thought your reply to Andrew H. was outstanding, for me the best expression of your views on the black/white dilemma in America. Thank you.

August 27

David B. writes:

You wrote: “If Obama comes to power, blacks will be ‘unleashed,’ and the nature of black America will be revealed as never before, and there is a chance that more whites will wake up to it and speak the truth about it and start to resist it. Of course, I don’t know that that will happen. But there is a reasonable chance that it will happen, where if McCain is president the country will continue under the intellectual death of neoconservative rule. So that’s why I’ve been saying all year, Bring It On.”

Several months ago, I wrote to you that Obama winning would be worse than a McCain victory. I still think so. My reason is that there is no Right Opposition in existence that would actively oppose Obama as you hope would happen. Do you think the beltway GOP would do so? The kind of political force we need hasn’t come into being yet. Until it does, nothing will change. My view is that a new opposition is just as likely (if not more so) to emerge under McCain. It was under Eisenhower, that the original so-called conservative movement started in the 1950s. Funny thing, we at VFR would give anything for a President who thought like Ike where protecting the borders was concerned.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 26, 2008 01:29 PM | Send

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