The most distinguished, the most illustrious, continues his campaign of treason against the West

In an interview with Foreign Affairs, Bernard Lewis, the most disingenuous, most delusive, and most egregious Islam scholar in the world (because “conservatives” regard his comments as holy writ), continues his Islam apologetics. Here he makes the relativistic argument that Islam fights with the West, not because it is utterly different from and incompatible with the West, not because its god commands the subjugation and conversion of the West, but because it is the same as the West:

What brought Islam and Christendom into conflict was not so much their differences as their resemblances. There are many religions in the world, but almost all of them are regional, local, ethnic, or whatever you choose to call it. Christianity and Islam are the only religions that claim universal truth. Christians and Muslims are the only people who claim they are the fortunate recipients of God’s final message to humanity, which it is their duty not to keep selfishly to themselves—like the Jews or the Hindus or the Buddhists—but to bring to the rest of mankind, removing whatever obstacles there may be in the way.

So, we have two religions with a similar self-perception, a similar historical background, living side by side, and conflict becomes inevitable.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 25, 2008 02:04 PM | Send

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