The Democratic party’s risible notion of an elder statesman

John at Powerline thinks Joseph Biden has the inside track as Obama’s VP choice, and he has some amusing reflections about it.

You can see the logic behind choosing Biden. Obama is young, so he wants an old Veep. Obama knows little about American history, diplomacy, foreign affairs or military matters, and Biden is the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Superficially, it seems to make sense.

The problem is that, whereas Obama is a young lightweight, Biden is an old lightweight—Obama with a hair transplant. While Obama has only been a lightweight for 47 years, Biden has been one for 65.

- end of initial entry -

August 22

Paul K. writes:

This 1987 NYT article discusses a forgotten embarrassment from Biden’s 1988 campaign that was the real reason he withdrew from the race, not the speech he plagiarized from Neil Kinnock. The man’s an idiot, not that that ever disqualified a politician.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 21, 2008 02:17 PM | Send

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