Gottfried on Muslims

Gintas writes:

Paul Gottfried on Russia at Taki’s Magazine (the bolding is mine):

With due respect to the 1938ers, the real threat in Central Europe today is coming not from German or Austrian nationalists but from the anti-national Left and from Muslim immigrants. Perhaps we would be able to get our media “conservatives” to notice this more often, if their snouts were not so deeply embedded in the neocon feeding trough. Europe today does not face a “fascist” threat but an “antifascist” danger making way for a hostile Muslim takeover.

Gottfried is mentioning the Muslim problem as a legitimate threat more than I remember.

LA replies:

It would seem to be part of Gottfried’s recent and developing (though we can’t be sure how far it will go) withdrawal from what he himself has described as the reactive paleoconservative mindset, which, for example, ignores or downplays the Islamic threat, because the hated neocons rail against the Islamic, or Islamist, threat. For all too many paleocons, the enemy of your enemy is your friend—even if the enemy of your enemy is really your enemy as well.

A further sad and ridiculous irony is that the neocons are not really opposing the Islamic threat, as this website has been obsessively pointing out for years. But the paleocons can’t see this because it doesn’t match their script, in which Israel/neocons/Jews are trying to trick us into a war with an enemy which is not our enemy but only Israel’s enemy.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 15, 2008 01:18 PM | Send

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