Phares on the Russia/Georgia situation

Jim V. writes:

I recommend an article by Walid Phares appearing at the American Thinker website. I’ve spent all my free time in the past days following the reaction of the pundits and this is by far the best analysis of the Russia/Georgia conflict I’ve read.

He analyzes the conflict from a viewpoint which sees our reckless push for Kosovan independence as the prime motivation for Russian actions. Unfortunately I can’t offer comment on this piece as I’m too busy with work trying to replenish my bank account now. I’ve just spent a year traveling through former Yugoslavia and Albania as a sort a research trip for a film I’m planning with some colleagues on the subject of blood vengeance, sacred violence and the Bosnian War.

Reading the piece by Phares caused me to reflect on my recent foray into the Balkans, and I have some insights to share that relate to this current crisis- in the next couple of days I hope to submit something to add to the discussion.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 14, 2008 02:20 PM | Send

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