Now that “wilding” is spreading from one U.S. city to another, how long can the media ignore it?

Yesterday morning, Richard W. sent this letter to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch concerning their silence on the race of the assailants in the wilding attacks on the Metrolink train, which was discussed here. (I myself got an unsatisfactory reply from the reporter, Ken Leiser, which I discuss in the original thread.)

Richard W. writes:

In both your article on increased police protection on the MetroLink and in Ken Leiser’s previous article on the gang wilding taking place near the train station the race of the gangs and their victims is not mentioned. Why?

Your politically correct reporting rules are getting in the way of discussing what is obviously a national problem. This summer alone there have been a rash of extremely similar incidents: gangs of violent blacks going out for a fun evening of beating on white passersby. Such attacks have taken place in the Detroit metro area, on the mass transit in Portland Oregon, in the Coney Island section of New York City, and many other locations.

Your dishonest reporting is hiding what is quickly becoming a nationwide epidemic of racial violence.

Please rethink your self-imposed constraints. Nothing can be accomplished by lying, even if it is only the gentle lie of omission.

We recently mourned the passing of Alexander Solzhenitsyn whose heroic life as an author was anchored in speaking unpleasant truths, even at high personal costs.

Consider taping a picture of him above your computer monitor and striving to follow his example. Please begin by including the race of the criminal gangs of thugs who are terrorizing the city.

Only then can serious discussion begin about how to address the problem of the totally out of control black underclass and gangbanging thugs who are the cause of this terror.

-Richard W
Internet reader

P.S.: Your lack of reporting is not fooling your readers, just making you look feeble and neutered. The discussion pages begin with the assumption that the gangs are black. If, by some weird 100 to 1 chance, this is not the case, that too would be a very important piece of information. Of course in that case you would already have found a way to report it, I am sure.

If you wish to read more about the many similar crimes, I suggest the web site View From the Right, which has been covering this in detail all summer.

- end of initial entry -

Adela G. writes:

The media will ignore the widespread outbreak of “wilding” for as long as it can, that is, until the clamor in the blogosphere makes it impossible for them to ignore it any longer.

At that point, look for the media to downplay “wilding” as much as possible by tactics such as issuing only brief, inconspicuous reports on it; citing experts who dispute the specifics of the phenomenon ; dwelling on any mistaken identity reports made by conservatives (e.g., identifying a white assailant as black) in an effort to discredit all non-liberal reporting of it and implying that “wilding” is a response to “systemic” or “historic” (code for “white”) racism.

The media still refuse to accept that they are no longer the ones who decide what is news and how it is to be reported and discussed. One of the very few encouraging signs for traditionalists is that non-liberal whites do seem to be informally networking to exchange news and opinions about the cultural malaise in which we find ourselves.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 13, 2008 02:59 PM | Send

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