McCain’s taste in TV shows

John McCain, interviewed at Entertainment Weekly, shows that he would fit right in at the Corner:

Who controls the remote at home, you or Cindy?

Sometimes I win the arm wrestling contest, but foolishly she continues to try to assert her control over the remote. This is a battle that will continue for a long time. But there are shows we agree on. We like the reruns of Seinfeld. I really like Curb Your Enthusiasm. I kind of like Dexter, too, although it certainly has a macabre side to it. I’ll tell you that Cindy likes Big Love—I haven’t watched it much, but she enjoys that. And I like The Wire a lot, too. That’s a great show.

I’m told that the hero of Dexter is a serial killer, and that Big Love is a series about Mormon polygamy.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 08, 2008 03:50 PM | Send

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