An eloquent defense of VFR

Dean E. writes:

I have followed VFR closely for four years. I have never seen you “attack” someone without provocation. Rather, I have seen a consistent engagement with ideas. And one of the most valuable views described at VFR shows how the liberal premises of ostensibly “conservative” policies are actually subverting our defenses and imperiling our civilization. That is why VFR has criticized Steyn, and Phillips, and Bush, and Spencer and others on the right—it is their ideas and policies, or lack of them, that are criticized, and criticized legitimately as ineffectual at achieving their supposed goals, and is one of the very few blogs demonstrating either the courage or intelligence to do so.

See the rest of Dean’s comment here.

In that same thread, a reader disagrees with Dean, saying that I made an unprovoked personal attack against Heather Mac Donald, and I reply.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 05, 2008 12:23 PM | Send

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