VFR articles on Robert Spencer—a selection

Robert Spencer’s apparent contradiction on Islam

Spencer’s Islam contradiction, boiled down to its essentials [April 2007; the contradiction: Spencer says all Muslims are enjoined to wage jihad, yet he says we can screen out jihadists from non-jihadists]

Slurring Robert Spencer [this is the one where he claims that he supports immigration restrictions, and I show that is not true]

Told he should stop calling me a liar, Spencer insists I am one

Am I being unfair to Spencer? [This is the entry where I quote and discuss in full my discussion of him that he called a calumny.]

Spencer says conservatism is an outmoded term [After he called me a liar and ignoramus for saying he’s not a conservative!]

Spencer comes to Rep. Goode’s defense, sort of [In defending Virgil Goode from attacks on Goode’s anti-Muslim immigration statement, Spencer ignored immigration and changed the subject from whether it’s permitted to advocated restricting Muslim immigration to whether it’s ok to “ask questions” about Islam.]

Spencer comes out for ending all Muslim immigration from Muslim countries [June 2007, less than two months after my refutation of his claim of being a restrictionist in April 2007; and he also gives up his screening idea]

The world turned upside down—Spencer is defending the mass expulsion of sharia believers

Spencer: “End Muslim immigration to the U.S.”

Spencer—pundit and defeatist

The “obsession” continues [VFR reader Bruce B.’s magnificent letter to Spencer]

The worst of Steyn, redux [January 2007. Quotes Spencer’s demented attacks on me.]

Spencer’s decisive rejection of Islamic reform [Says West must defend itself itself from jihad, not believe in Muslim reform.]

Spencer: ally of Charles Johnson

What Spencer has told people about me [Spencer’s e-mail where he said I was seeking to establish “Austerism over the West.”]

Spencer: Only Muslims can solve our Islam problem [January 2008. On honor killing in Texas, Spencer strikes helpless pose that we must hope that the Muslims realize this is a problem, otherwise, we’re done (like Lewis). And he said this right tin the middle of his other comments saying he believes in immigration cessation. Note how this contradicts what he said under the above linked title, “Spencer’s decisive rejection of Islamic reform “]

Open-borders Lutherans [Contains this Spencer quote: “We are fighting for the values of Western civilization—values that have become universal outside the Islamic world, and which are rooted in the Judeo-Christian tradition. Among those values that are challenged by jihadists today are the equality of dignity of all people…”

Thoughts on Geller’s and Spencer’s new organization [February 2010. “Most significantly and remarkably, notwithstanding the manifesto’s 23 bulleted points, there is no mention of restricting Muslim immigration. Geller and Spencer see Islam as a mortal threat to our freedom. Yet they don’t make even a pro forma proposal to reduce, let alone to stop, Muslim immigration, even though Spencer has in the past proposed doing that. This proves what I have said about him all along: that he talks about immigration occasionally (and very briefly), because he feels he has to, but his heart is not in it.”]

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 12, 2008 07:59 PM | Send

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