Rick Darby on the election

We have had lots of presidential contests between Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum, but never one like this with two utterly hateful candidates…. That two such disgraceful men are to be our options for president is a disaster without precedent.

Darby has expressed my feelings exactly. In the same blog entry, after telling us he’s never been happier in his own life, he proceeds with a grim summary of the current prospects for America and the West.

- end of initial entry -

James P. writes:

Rick Darby wrote: “We have had lots of presidential contests between Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum, but never one like this with two utterly hateful candidates…. That two such disgraceful men are to be our options for president is a disaster without precedent.”

How so? The precedents are 2000 and 2004. We now have an eight year track record that demonstrates very convincingly that Bush has been a disaster, and while not disgraceful in a personal moral sense, he has been a disgraceful leader in the strategic sense. Yet neither Gore nor Kerry would have done any better! No matter who won in 2000 and 2004, the outcome would have been a disaster.

The fact is, this country has not had real leadership since the 1981-1986 period. Under Bush I, Clinton, and Bush II, we have been “led” by ciphers with utterly wrong-headed ideas, who failed to articulate and implement foreign and domestic policies that advanced our national interests. For 20 years, we have been floundering, and we have definitely squandered the time we gained after the collapse of the USSR that could have been used to formulate an effective new strategy. Worse yet, it looks like we are in for four to eight more years of ineptitude. How long can a country be governed by fools before it gets cut off at the knees by countries that have their acts together? We shall soon find out!

LA replies:

James P. is failing to make a distinction between, on one hand, inept ciphers, and, on the other hand, people who have told lies on the order of Obama and McCain (as I’ve shown previously,Obama’s lies about his church and his knowledge of it, and McCain’s lies on immigration policy, are unprecedented in their scale and seriousness), people who have expressed contempt for ordinary Americans as have Obama and McCain, people who have been members of anti-American hate churches as has Obama, and so on. Does James, a regular VFR reader, really think that ineptidude is the whole issue here, that ineptitude is the worst thing that can be said about the current American elite?

Mark Jaws writes:

Unlike some of the more despondent denizens on the right, I am ecstatic about this election because it will FINALLY provide ample evidence to hordes of young white voters who have lived under Bush-Clinton-Bush that liberalism is dangerous to both their wallets and to their health. I have no doubt the country of 200 million whites can endure four years of Barak Obama. What will be done between 2009 and 2013, can be undone, but more importantly I am convinced that this false prophet, this sham, this empty suit will demonstrate the moral bankruptcy of anti-white, afro-centrist Marxism and thereby enable audacious whites such as yours truly to once again discuss race openly and frankly.

After having read Michael Masters classic, “The Morality of Survival” in 1996, I have been privately pleading with my fellow conservative whites for years to think in a racialist matter and not to adopt the biblical “turning the other cheek” when it comes to some ethnic groups (we know who) bent on doing whites and the West harm. It has been all in vain. Now, I believe in an Obama world many conservatives will say, “Mr. Jaws, I think you have been right all along. What can we do to ensure our survival?” To my fellow rabble rousers of the rabidly racialist Right, Obama is a God-send.

James W. writes:


In the United States, men of moderate desires commit themselves to the twists and turns of politics … it often comes about that only those who feel inadequate in the conduct of their own business undertake to direct the fortunes of the state.

The race of American statesmen has strangely shrunk in size over the last half-century.

… the rulers are often incompetent and sometimes despicable.

Some on the Right understand that we have already lost this election cycle no matter what the outcome, and lost badly. We understand the ramifications. What we do not yet know is the form in which resistance will take root, and flower, since we have no previous experience with this. It will, though.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 17, 2008 02:20 AM | Send

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