Catch a glimpse

of one of America’s top conservative intellectuals in his prime, Jay Nordlinger, in his column at National Review Online. See the way he responds—repeatedly—to statements he doesn’t like.

By the way, regarding that first item, about the Iraqi who says that Jews are always seeking to spread corruption in the land, to which Nordlinger replies, “And we are reminded, once more, that Iraqis are far from immune to Arab diseases,” the belief that Jews are spreading corruption in the land is right from the Koran and the hadiths, which contain statements against the Jews that are the most extreme instances of what we today call “hate-speech” that can be found against any people in any book in the world. So when the Iraqi guy says that Jews are spreading corruption in the land, he’s not suffering from an “Arab disease,” he’s piously quoting the Muslims’ holy scripture. And Nordlinger doesn’t know this.

Also notice the last sentence of the column, where Nordlinger assumes as a matter of course that all his readers are not only McCain supporters, but McCain fund-raisers.

- end of initial entry -

Adela G. writes:

I’d rather catch a cold.

I find his breezy informality and vulgarity offensive. He’s writing for an online version of a once-respected magazine, not a personal blog. Someone should remind him that dissolving the boundaries between the personal and the public is one of the hallmarks of modern liberalism.

Oh, well, at least his style suits his content.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 17, 2008 02:02 AM | Send

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