The silly West

Do you believe that media have been repeatedly describing President Bush’s visit to Europe as his “farewell tour,” as though he were a pop singer bidding goodby to his adoring fans? First, Bush is not a pop singer but the president of the United States. Second, he’s not adored in Europe, but largely despised. Der Spiegel said that Europe is “happy to see the back of Bush.” So what idiot came up with the wildly inappropriate idea of calling this a “farewell tour,” and why have other people gone along with it?

The dominant liberal culture of the West is not only deranged, it is terminally silly. The only question is, what and who is going to replace it? Non-silly, non-liberal non-Westerners? Or non-silly, non-liberal Westerners?

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Tim W. writes:

Maybe it’s appropriate to start thinking of presidents as pop icons given the Obama candidacy. Obama has American Idol written all over him. His rock star charisma serves to mask the gaping chasm separating him from statesmanship.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 16, 2008 08:04 AM | Send

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