An Obama and Buchanan supporter speaks

Amit G. writes:

I notice that you have at vFR referrences to savage youing guys beating up other people. Yes, this most cfertainly happens but you must not overly refer to such occurrences when you infer these are black guys. Crime happenns everywhere by all races to all people so to emphasize one group is not a very good thing especially since we have Obama running to unify all of us and get rid of such divission.

Also that you mention Pat Buchanan and Israel you would know that the zionist stole the land of Palestinians and will not share it with those who were there before—this is not fair or just and Pat is saying that this will give us trouble if we stick yp only for one side when there are two groups of peoples involved. Obama has a good attittude on this because he wants fairness for both sides and the Israelies have to share the land.

Keep up the good work at vfr and try to stay fair to everyone, it is not good to eb just on one side we are one country and one world and need to support each other thasnk you.

- end of initial entry -

Gintas writes:

Nice comic relief there. This sounds like a new person to your site, fresh-faced from a liberal indoctrination mill somewhere, unintentionally funny by trying to align you to the orthodoxy. A polite restatement of the Party Line should do it!

Harry Horse writes:

Tread lightly, in the next administration Amit G. may very well end up in charge of “fairness for both sides” and “unify all of us.”

Honestly, I can only imagine the kind of crank email you receive. It would be hard to resist doing a weekly montage of bizarre/ludicrous opinions/language usage. Call it Auster’s Follies.

More seriously, it would serve as a careful reminder to have a humble heart and awareness that vanguard opinion-making must take into account the current state of affairs, nationwide.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 15, 2008 10:45 PM | Send

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