The amazingly stark difference between Congressional Republicans and Democrats on energy

See Republican House Whip Roy Blunt’s enlightening estimate of how the Democrats’ proposed policies on energy (basically new taxes and investigations of evil capitalists) would affect gasoline prices, compared with how the Republicans’ proposed policies (increasing oil production) would affect gasoline prices. The Democratic policies would cut the price of gas by five cents, from $4.04 a gallon to $3.99, while the Republican policies would cut the price by almost two dollars, from $4.04 to $2.06.

Fine. All rational men (which excludes virtually all Democrats) understand the laws of supply and demand. However, in order for the Republicans to pass such policies, assuming they had the votes in Congress to pass them, they would have to break free of McCain, who adheres to the manmade global warming orthodoxy. I urged precisely that step for the Republicans on June 8, but even Powerline, which supports McCain, said that McCain’s being nominee and president would lead the Republicans to stifle their own initiatives to increase oil production. In other words, the Powerline guys seem to have forgotten that just three days ago they said that a McCain presidency would kill any possibility of the kind of beneficial energy policy proposed by Blunt and advocated by Powerline.

- end of initial entry -

An Indian living in the West writes (posted June 13):

Don’t buy false promises from the Republicans on energy. The Dems aren’t the only liars in this debate.

See the following two videos and decide for yourself:

Video 1

Video 2

Ignore Pickens’ views on global warming. He is wrong about that but he’s right on energy prices. He should know. He’s made a fortune in energy in the last decade.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 11, 2008 01:37 PM | Send

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