Those who charge that Bush was lying about WMDs are the biggest liars of all

Not only is it the case that many of the Democrats who now say the administration was lying about WMDs themselves believed there were WMDs and supported the invasion of Iraq for that reason, but, as reported at Powerline last month,

[E]ven some Senators who voted against taking military action stated that Iraq possessed WMD. Thus, one of Senator Levin’s reason for voting “no” was his fear that Saddam would use these weapons if we pushed him into a corner.

But that’s not all. Joseph “The Politics of Truth” Wilson, who sparked a three year long national scandal and federal investigation about absolutely nothing by charging that the administration had lied about WMDs and had sought to harm him by outing” his wife as a CIA operative, wrote in the February 6, 2003 Los Angeles Times:

There is now no incentive for Hussein to comply with the inspectors or to refrain from using weapons of mass destruction to defend himself if the United States comes after him. And he will use them; we should be under no illusion about that.

How about that? While President Bush only said that we must prevent Hussein from possibly using WMDs or transferring them to terrorists, Wilson said that the Hussein’s use of WMDs was certain. Big Joe was a bigger believer in the WMD threat than Bush.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 01, 2008 02:15 PM | Send

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