Leftists, liberals, right-wingers agree: the Islamization of Europe is desirable

(Note: I’ve posted further comments at the Taki thread, including a reply to a homosexual who says homosexuals love America and just want to be treated with dignity, so why are conservative Christians so opposed to them?.)

As a follow-up to my previous comment, I’ve posted this additional comment at Taki’s Magazine:

Based on this current thread, it now appears that in each of the three main factions of modern politics, the left, the neocon, and the paleocon, at least some people welcome the Islamic takeover of Europe.

First there are the left-liberals, who run Europe They positively welcome Islamization, by seeking the ever greater power of Islam in Europe, by silencing criticism of the growing power of Islam in Europe, and by advocating the establishment of sharia law in Europe. Left-liberals openly hate the historic West for its supposed hatred, bigotry, and inequality, and seek its destruction. As I’ve written, in their heart of hearts, they would rather be hirelings of a new European Caliphate than leaders of a Europe they despise.

Then there are the neocons, many of whom regularly express their contempt for Europe, whether because of its inherently Nazi nature (Ralph Peters, Charles Johnson), or because of its leftism, corruption, and anti-Americanism (Mark Steyn).

Thus Mark Steyn has written:

Some of us think an Islamic Europe will be easier for America to deal with than the present Europe of cynical, wily, duplicitous pseudo-allies. But getting there is certain to be messy, and violent.

Until the shape of the new Europe begins to emerge, there’s no point picking fights with the terminally ill.

When not actively wishing for the Islamization of Europe, Steyn writes Europe off and says it’s finished, a prospect about which he expresses not the slightest sorrow.

The huge popularity of Steyn and the total absence of any criticism of him on the establishment right, can be taken as an index of neocons’ active desire to see Europe destroyed or their compete indifference to its destruction.

And now today, at this paleocon website, we see several people saying they hate the present secular hedonist Europe so much they would prefer to see Europe conquered by Islam.

So the left, the neocons, and some paleocons, while their motives differ, all agree that they would like to see Europe Islamized and subjected to a new Caliphate.

What is this all about? It goes back to before modernity, and is not limited to persecuted Jews seeking relief from Christian anti-Semitism. Since Islam has always been the principal Other in relation to Europe, Europeans or Westerners who were deeply discontent with or alienated from the West, for whatever reason, would start to romanticize, identify with, and prefer Islam. Instead of seeking to restore and strengthen what is good about the West, they would rather see it go down.

- end of initial entry -

Stogie writes:

I’m with you on saving Europe. My wife and I made our first trip there last October. I wanted to see Paris before it become a Muslim city. We also visited Amsterdam. Lovely places, both of them.

Since my return I have been connecting with European bloggers, especially French ones, who want to save Europe. I speak a little French, and want to practice as much as possible, so I have sought out the French conservatives.

It’s true that Europe is a very sick patient, and maybe it’s too late to save it, but we have to try.

I was a Lizard on LGF until recently, but finally quit in disgust. I am now linked to the Brussels Journal and Gates of Vienna, and Charles Johnson be damned.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 09, 2008 08:53 PM | Send

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