Another evil leftist lie exposed

This Independent reports:

Threat of world Aids pandemic among heterosexuals is over, report admits

A quarter of a century after the outbreak of Aids, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has accepted that the threat of a global heterosexual pandemic has disappeared.

In the first official admission that the universal prevention strategy promoted by the major Aids organisations may have been misdirected, Kevin de Cock [Kevin de Cock! Imagine being a TV newsreader and trying to keep a straight face while reading that name], the head of the WHO’s department of HIV/Aids said there will be no generalised epidemic of Aids in the heterosexual population outside Africa.

In typical leftist fashion, even while the left are admitting that what they’ve been foisting on the world and disseminating in an unprecedentedly vast and intrusive propaganda campaign for the last 25 years is untrue, they don’t admit it. De Cock states that the prevention strategy was “misdirected” toward heterosexual populations outside black Africa. That’s the admission, that there was never a threat to those populations, as anyone following the issue already knew 25 years ago. But the headline and the lead sentence of the article suggest the opposite: that the pandemic among heterosexuals “is over,” “has disappeared,” meaning that the epidemic did exist, but exists no more.

While vile liars leftists are.

There is another odd thing in this article. After having stated clearly that the threat outside Africa is to homosexuals, de Cock says:

“The impact of HIV is so heterogeneous. In the US , the rate of infection among men in Washington DC is well over 100 times higher than in North Dakota, the region with the lowest rate. That is in one country. How do you explain such differences?”

But of course he can explain the differences—he just did. Why does he so blatantly contradict himself and pretend not to know what he knows? I think that what de Cock is doing here is the same thing that the Independent is doing. Even in act of admitting the truth that there was never a threat to populations with normal sexual behaviors, and therefore that liberals have been spreading a huge falsehood for the last 25 years, de Cock can’t quite acknowledge that this is indeed the case. Instead, he instinctively returns to the liberals’ square one—the condition of chronic surprise and befuddlement in the fact of a reality that refuses to fit liberal conceptions.

- end of initial entry -

Richard W. writes:

You did a good job of summarizing one outcome of the politicized science used to define the AIDS epidemic, which was the nonsense propaganda that the low risk majority were forced to endure. (We have huge billboards all over Portland, “”AIDS STOPS WITH ME.” None of them feature obviously gay men.) Still, if promiscuous people were encouraged to use condoms more frequently, that is probably a good thing for both their health and the incidence of unwanted pregnancy.

The real victims of the horrible mismanagement of the AIDS epidemic are the tens of thousands of infected gay men who might have been spared the disease if doctors, not leftist agitators, had been allowed to treat AIDS like every other disease.

A few radical leftist activists set the agenda, an agenda that was unprecedented in American medicine. The public health departments that had been in place in most major cities for nearly 100 years and had proved useful in eradication of contagious diseases like TB were forbidden to do their jobs, by law. Standard public health methodology used to control outbreaks of other sexually transmitted diseases were not allowed. No contact tracing. No legal prohibition on the infected continuing to infect. No quarantine.

At one times AIDS was contained in a very small group. If aggressive public health methodologies had been employed the disease would have, at a minimum, been greatly slowed in it’s spread. It might even have been eliminated from the “gay vector,” returning it to an African disease. .

It is leftist homosexual activists, aided and abetted by liberal politicians who set the policies in place that led to the horrible outcome of massive AIDS infections among gays in the 90s.

The full scandal of this is explained in Dr. Stanley Monteith’s excellent book, “AIDS: The Unnecessary Epidemic,” and is touched on in the cultural history of AIDS, “And the Band Played On.”

Finally, by misidentifying AIDS as a near-universal risk of sex the decades of lies have prevented adolescents struggling with issues of sexual identity from making informed choices about the risks associated with homosexuality. We seem able to talk to blacks about the specific medical dangers of high blood pressure, smokers about the risk of tobacco, yet we are forbidden (due to bad science and politics) from honestly explaining the facts to young gay and bisexual men. Despite the causality and consequences being much higher in the latter case.

In the case of AIDS it is not an exaggeration to say that liberal political correctness kills, and has killed, tens of thousands. Blood on the hands of misguided leftists is, as always, merely regrettable.

Rocco di Pippo writes (June 11):

You’ve got to be kidding me!

Oh my God! Kevin De Cock—AIDS expert?

Don’t tell me the guy’s homosexual too!

I am laughing so hard I think I finally popped a vein in my head.

LA replies:

There are many famous homosexuals or people who are associated with homosexuality who have names with heavy double entendres.

The name of the homosexual San Francisco Supervisor who was assassinated in 1974 (along with Mayor George Moscone, who was succeeded by Diane Feinstein, starting her political rise) was Harvey Milk.

The 1980s sodomy case in which the Supreme Court affirmed the authority of localities to have laws against homosexual sodomy was Bawers v. Hardwick.

The Congressman who got in trouble for having sexual contacts with male House pages was Gerald Studds.

There are other examples I forget.

And finally, while de Cock is not (as far as we know) homosexual, he is a leading expert on the homosexual disease.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 09, 2008 03:52 PM | Send

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