Derby World

Remember how the increasingly cranky John Derbyshire was predicting for months—not guessing, not hoping, not recommending, but stating as an absolute certitude, which he said that everyone must accept—that the Democrats would nominate Al Gore and that Gore would be elected president? For example, he said this at the Corner just two months ago:

As I’ve been telling you for nearly a year now (why won’t you LISTEN?) the 44th POTUS will be Al Gore. It merely remains to work out the nomination details.

So today at the Corner, Jonah Goldberg asks him:

So…when exactly is Al Gore parachuting in to seize the nomination?

And Derbyshire replies:

Hey, the Dems had a plain choice. They could nominate a guy who’d sweep 48 states in November, or they could nominate a loser. They nominated a loser. Is that my fault? I just underestimated the stupidity of Democrats.

Derbyshire thinks that if the Dems nominated Al Gore, he would win 48 states? And he states this as a certainty?

You know the saying: when a man stops believing in God, he doesn’t then believe in nothing, he believes in anything.

- end of initial entry -

Howard Sutherland writes:

I never thought he could carry 48 states, but I thought Gore’s nomination very plausible, and Derb’s argument persuasive. I too assumed Dems want to win this time. No—they would rather be Historic and Good.

Adam G. writes:

On the subject of evolution and God the Derb is a crank and a bore, but in his defense the Gore emails you quote are mostly a put-on.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 04, 2008 08:25 PM | Send

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