Hillary on the verge …

Hillary Clinton said to supporters in New York tonight, as reported at ABC:

This has been a long campaign and I will be making no decisions tonight.

In the coming days, I’ll be consulting with supporters and party leaders to determine how to move forward with the best interests of our party and our country guiding my way.

That sounds like someone who is going to withdraw from the campaign in the next 48 hours. Which means that our last hope of the next president being someone other than McCain and Obama is extinguished.

Update: Paul of Powerline does not interpret Hillary’s comments to mean that she is about to withdraw, and he makes a good case why she should stay in. Of course, I hope she does.

Also remember that when the news media tell you that Obama has clinched the nomination, this is not true. His current numbers include over 300 super delegates who have stated that they will vote for him at the convention. That is not a legally binding commitment. The super delegates are free to cast their votes as they please.

- end of initial entry -

Carol Iannone writes:

Rush got a lot of emails saying how good Hillary looked last night at her speech, how she’s looking better and better, when most at the end of a campaign are tired and bedraggled, she looks fresh and pretty and so on. I have to say it too, even though I’ve said it plenty, she looked quite beautiful! Maybe it’s due to the flush of excitement in having so many supporters, making speeches (mainly to supporters) and so forth, even if you lose, you can feel buoyant and good. Also her “losing” is actually winning quite a number of the primaries.

LA replies

Wow, even Rush Limbaugh listeners are finally giving her credit for the fact that her personality has changed markedly for the better, she’s become a more normal and pleasant human being, and she looks good, which I’ve been saying since early January.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 03, 2008 10:25 PM | Send

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